Monday, 30 April 2012

Planning for Adaptation: Eurobodalla Shire

As the Mayor of Eurobodalla Shire Council (in this week's round table role play), I would like to present the following summary of issues discussed in this week's meeting to the public.

  • ACT Chief Minister
  • NSW Premier
  • Council Planner at Eurobodalla Council
  • Local restaurant owner
  • Local resident
  • ACT resident and Batemans Bay holiday house owner
The coastal zone is one of Australia’s greatest assets, and a vital part of the Australian way of life, as stated by Holliday in 1998, “Everybody wants access to the coast. The … coast is where people want to live, do business, create development and where people want to recreate” (CoastalCRC 2006). The natural beauty and proximity to major cities makes the South Coast a popular domestic tourist destination, particularly for those living in the ACT. There are, however, many challenges faced by coastal towns and cities (such as Batemans Bay) which are summarised in the diagram below.  

Climate Change poses a serious threat to coastal areas, not only through the risk of sea level rise and erosion, but bushfires as well. There are three main strategic planning options to deal with climate change associated factors include:

  • Planning
  • Mitigation (defending existing sites)
  • Planned Retreat

Taking into consideration climate change risks when planning any new developments is the most effective option (cheapest, socially desirable). However, the idea of limiting development in vulnerable areas often conflicts with developers desires to capitalise on lucrative water front locations. Mitigation and planned retreat both raise many  issues regarding responsibility and funding of land- public or private funding? Such issues have been tackled in Byron Bay, where a lawsuit was filed against the Council by owners of a beach front property that was damaged from erosion ( In order to prevent such occurrences here, Eurobodalla Council should encourage forward planning in relation to climate change, and promote community awareness of the risks to private land owners.
Areas at Risk from Sea Level Rise

One of the major factors hindering the successful management of the coastal zone in Australia is the fragmented nature of governance, “In Australia, coastal management is fractured by commonwealth, state, regional and local government responsibilities and there is no coordinated coastal legislation or coastal policy but rather a complex mix of legislation, plans and policies” (CoastalCRC 2006).

I believe that further support from both the State Government and ACT Government would greatly help Eurobodalla Shire address the current problems facing the community, that were raised in this meeting today by our local residents. The Council will aim to collaborate with other local Councils, in the hope of forming a regional alliance to help tackle the challenges faced by our communities. In Victoria, the Geelong Regional Alliance provides an example of a regional body that has achieved positive outcomes due to collaboration. Regional bodies lend themselves to strategic planning and management of complex trans-boundary issues, so the creation of one in the South Coast is a major priotiry.

Molonglo Development

The current development of Molonglo was discussed this week, with a presentation from one of the Engineers involved in the project. The parameters of the development in terms of the ACT planning framework were discussed, with issues such as maintaining the integrity of the Y-plan and remaining compatible with the Spatial Plan and Territory Plan highlighted. The Molonglo site was chosen as it possesses the qualities of both urban capable and urban suitable land- meaning it is not only physically able to support development, but in a socially and economically responsible manner (largely due to proximity to existing infrastructure and services).

The presentation highlighted the diversity of issues that must be considered when undertaking such development, including: environmental impacts, transport capability, water supply and the concerns of the community.

One of the main concerns raised by those in surrounding areas was, of course, additional traffic and congestion created by increased population in the area. The modelling related to such traffic increases suggests that the resulting traffic on connecting roads will be within acceptable limits. In terms of public transport, Molonglo is conveniently located to provide a stop between Belconnen, the City, Woden and Weston Creek. Perhaps the 'filling in' of exiting transport hubs will help increase the use of existing routes, and lead to increased frequency and improving the overall transport network in Canberra.

Proposed Bus Routes for Molonglo
Source: ESSD 2010
One of the points raised during discussion was that of community consultation in relation to the project. As previous blog posts have mentioned, community consultation is an integral part of the planning process, however, in the case of Molonglo, there are no existing residents so the stakeholders are mainly those in surrounding areas.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Urban Redevelopment: Docklands, Melbourne

Docklands 1871
Source: Destination Docklands 2012
The Victorian Planning Model was further explored this week, with the redevelopment of Docklands used as an example. Since the late 1880's the area served as a major port for the city of Melbourne, until the 1970's when it was left abandoned as a result of changes to cargo transportation methods.

It was underutilised until the 1990's, when the Dockland's Taskforce was directed to identify the best options for the development of the area. In 1991, the Docklands Authority Act was passed and the Dockland's authority established to help facilitate private development of the area.
Docklands 2010
Source: Trip Advisor 2010 
Currently VicUrban (Victorian Government's Sustainable Development Agency) is responsible for leading the development, which is being undertaken in partnership between the Government and private sector (PPP).

The importance of fostering relationships between these two sectors has been highlighted throughout this semester. Often the public sector has limited resources, so the implementation of proposed plans and projects poses a challenge, so partnerships with private companies increases the economic viability of developments.

The $12 billion waterfront development of Docklands provides an example of a suc cessful PPP that has benefited all stakeholders in the area, as the statistics below illustrate.

Source: VicUrban 2010

The development of Docklands corresponds nicely to the ideas expressed in the Melbourne @ 5 Million Report. In particular, the notion of creating multiple city centres to cater for population growth and "increasing levels of housing and employment in established areas close to where people reside, particularly where the tram network can support this level of change" (Department of Planning and Community Development 2008). Docklands fits these criteria with it's proximity to the CBD, existing integrated road network (linkage to main streets such as Collins and Bourke Street) as well as the location next to Southern Cross Station.  

As Australia's largest construction project, and a large urban renewal project by world standards, substantial community engagement was undertaken, lasting over 12 months. After reviewing the Docklands: The First Decade Report, it seems that the development has been successful in transforming the underutilised land into a mixed-use, vibrant community. It's likely that with continued development, the area will become an integral part of the city of Melbourne.

Local Planning in Victoria

The topic of this week's class was local planning in Victoria, particularly focusing on the city of Melbourne as an example. Local governments play a key role in the planning process, making the majority of planning decisions that affect their jurisdiction.

Although Melbourne has been nominated as one of the world's most liveable and Australia's favourite cities, it still faces many challenges, particularly in relation to population growth and climate change. The main strategic planning documents that address such issues include: Melbourne @ 5 Million and Delivering Melbourne's Newest Sustainable Communities- both of which have a heavy emphasis on connected transport options and green design.

Population Growth Poses a Problem for Melbourne
Source: The Age 2011

A presentation by Rob Adams (Director of City Design for Melbourne) discussing the steps that transformed the city into the vibrant city with a thriving public life that we know and enjoy today was watched in the second half of the lesson. One of the key aspects of the revitalising of Melbourne was the focus on the public spaces. Many of the ideas outlined by Adams corresponded to those of Jane Jacobs- the creation of good streets to make a good city and taking into account the natural landscape and assets of the city and capitalising on them. One of the first projects undertaken was reconnecting the city with the Yarra River, which now a vital part of the city, providing a variety of public spaces enjoyed by locals and tourists.
Southbank Melbourne
Source: DJB World Photography
As an aspiring planner, many tips were taken from this presentation. In particular the idea of embracing the natural assets and history of a city, recognising the importance of smaller scale projects (like public art) to enhance sense of place and encouraging developers to consider active frontages and architectural diversity for lively streets. But perhaps most importantly, the idea that through the use of seemingly simple planning, design and development guidelines, wonderful cities like Melbourne can be created.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Canberra Planning

The first part of this week’s class focused on Canberra’s planning history, and really highlighted the unique nature of Canberra, as Australia’s only fully planned city as shown by the following quote, “Canberra achieves the difficult feat of being one of the last cities beautiful. And also the World’s biggest Garden City”. Although Canberra and the planning processes that have shaped the city have been criticised by some, an interesting point was raised about what the Nation’s Capital would be like without the foundation of Griffin’s plan.

After focusing on Canberra’s planning history, it’s interesting to think about the current and future direction of planning in the city. This week COAG released a Review on Capital Cities Strategic Planning Systems ( Each of the city’s planning systems was rated against nine criterion, including areas such as: integration, hierarchy of plans, capital city networks. Canberra rated reasonably well in most areas, however, the need for increased integration between ACT planning and NSW planning was raised as an area in need of attention. In particular, improving transport links between Queanbeyan and the ACT was identified as a priority and after recently visiting Queanbeyan Council and discussing issues facing the area it seems that such measures would have many benefits, particularly since so many Queanbeyan residents commute to Canberra for work each day.

The second half of the lesson focused on the redevelopment of the Belconnen Town Centre and involved a short walk around the area. After the $2.4 million spent on road works and $100 million spent on upgrading the mall, we noticed many positive features, but also room for improvement. The Emu Bank area along the Lake, with its wide walkways and shade providing trees, offers an inviting recreational area for those living and working in the area.
Source: LJH Commercial, 2012

One of the main negative aspects of the development is the disconnected nature of the shopping mall to the Lake. As the picture below shows, the mall exists in isolation and does not interact with the street, despite the prime location on the Lake front. Charles Landry, a renowned planner visited Civic in 2010 and commented on the way that shopping malls ‘suck the energy’ from their surroundings. He also stated that redevelopment projects are too often considered separately, and need to be integrated in order to create vibrant places ( Although he was talking specifically about Civic in this interview, similar aspects can be seen in Belconnen. If the side of the mall closest to the Lake was developed with linkage to the Lake in mind, with active street frontages such as cafes, and glass windows instead of a car park and bare walls, it is likely that both the mall and lakefront would enjoy increased use.  
Source: Wikipedia, 2011